This is the current state of my Dock while working this evening. (Yeah, I know—your v-scroll. Ah, well.)


Sorry About Those Pages Up There.


Rather unfortunately, it looks as though my template plans have been thwarted a bit by a bug in WordPress. Pages aren’t supposed to belong to categories or have tags, but all Pages created automatically have their taxonomy set to the default post category.

This has the unfortunate effect of applying that default category style to two of my pages, which is not cool. I have to use the default category for my flickr posts, as the flickr blog post feature doesn’t allow you to select a category in which to dump your posts.

(I hope someone at flickr is paying attention. Giving us control over post categories—like does—would be a welcome addition.)

So in the meantime, you are unfortunately going to have to put up with two of my pages looking a bit like crap. I would go in and change their categories manually, but PairLite doesn’t seem to have an interface available for browsing the database, and I really don’t feel like configuring that right now.